Overton Blog

New feature: Search by ISBN, PubMed ID & PubMed Central ID

Our DOI search is used by lots of clients to track a defined cohort of articles through into policy. Following feedback from users, you can now search by ISBNs, PubMed IDs and PubMed Central IDs as well as DOIs. The same list can include a mix of different identifier types.

Screenshot of Overton platform showing ID search field


After pasting in a list of identifiers Overton will give you a quick heads up about how many were matched and how to interpret that number.

Screenshot of Overton platform showing how ID search results appear

Let us know what you think! Email us at support@overton.io with any feedback and suggestions for future upgrades.

For the full record of our release notes, see our Help centre.

What is Overton

We help universities, think tanks and publishers understand the reach and influence of their research.

The Overton platform contains is the world’s largest searchable policy database, with almost 5 million documents from 29k organisations.

We track everything from white papers to think tank policy briefs to national clinical guidelines, and automatically find the references to scholarly research, academics and other outputs.