Overton blog

CWTS team present paper using Overton data at Altmetrics20

Written by Euan Adie | Nov 12, 2020 11:05:00 AM

A team of researchers from CWTS (the Centre for Science and Technology Studies within the University of Leiden) presented early findings from their analysis of Overton's policy document database at the Altmetric Workshop series 2020.

The team –Zhichao Fang, Jonathan Dudek, Ed Noyons and Rodrigo Costas – are using Overton data to explore how science is cited in policy documents. The paper includes insights on the subject areas most used in policy, the percentage of papers mentioned in policy and the slow pace of citation accumulation.

You can read the analysis here.

For more information about how Overton's database of policy documents and policy citations can be used in academic research, drop us a message.